jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


Ángela´s description:

In this photo I can see a very funny girl, with round glasses and short black hair with a fringe. She´s reading a book. Around her there are more books and cats. I suppose the cats are hers. She´s sitting on a very big pillow. She and her cats are inside a tent made of blankets. In the tent there is a bulp and some pennants, stripy pennants. In the background and behind the tent, I can see the big full round moon. The girl is smiling. I am sure that she loves reading, she is the "The Midnight Reader".
I love this photo. It is simply perfect. In a way, she reminds me of myself.

 Laura´s description:

The photo shows a black and white cat sitting in a straw flowerpot. (He´s Momo) I think it was taken in a terrace. It´s a coloured photo.
In the foreground, I can see some plants and Momo. The flowerpot has some plastic butterflies hanging on it. In the background there are trees and more balconies. Momo is looking at the camera with curiosity. He´s a lovely cat.
I suppose Momo was looking at the other houses. Perhaps, he was looking for a beautiful girl cat to be her boyfriend. Then, when the camera appeared, he quickly stood up and turned around to look at the camera. The atmosphere is peaceful. It´s a sunny day.

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